“Miguel “The Skipper” Quintero is the successful owner of a thriving small business and an accomplished performing artist. His unmatched style, unflagging energy and independent vision make him a candidate like no other!”
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“Meeting Miguel and Gaby 3 years ago was a life-changing experience. This amazing husband and wife team evolved from being my flying trapeze instructors, to becoming my dearest friends and life coaches! I have also witnessed them making an extraordinary impact on the local community. Their compassion, positivity, & enthusiasm are infectious! I hold the greatest admiration for this incredible…
“I have seen Miguel turn regular people into superheroes. Average humans turned into flying and flipping machines. He has done this through trust-building, tenacity, and most importantly, leading through example. It is no easy task to convince someone to jump off a 30ft platform into another’s arms, yet he does this daily. He has helped me overcome many fears through…